Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Birth Plan

It is important to have a birth plan in place whether you are delivering at a hospital or a birthing center.  A birth plan will let your midwife or doctor know what you want in regards to delivering your bundle of joy.  This is an example of my birth plan.  Feel free to copy it and/or change it up to better suit your desires.  I am happy to report my midwife had no problems with my birth plan and followed it to a T.

No pitocin

If C-section is necessary I’d like to make sure all other options have been exhausted.  My husband is to remain with me the entire time and for him to hold the baby as soon as possible, and I’d like to breastfeed in the recovery room.

I’d like to deliver the placenta without assistance from midwife when ready.  Do not rush delivery.

I’d like to keep the placenta after removal.  Please store in bags provided.

I'd like to hold my baby skin-to-skin immediately after delivery.

I’d like for my baby to stay in the same room with me, no nursery time.

I'd like to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before it's clamped and cut and I’d like my husband to cut the cord.

If my baby must be taken from me to receive medical treatment, I'd like my husband to go with him or her.

I wish to birth in different positions as I see fit.

I plan to exclusively breastfeed my baby while in the hospital.

If my baby's a boy, I do not want him to be circumcised.

Pediatrician must examine baby in my room.

No bathing

No hat

No Vitamin K

No eye ointments

No hepatitis B vaccine



  1. that was pretty much my birth plan with all three of my kids. Jocelyn is the only birth that didn't go the way I planned (was supposed to be drug free at the birth center with a midwife, instead I was a hospital transfer with pitocin and a doctor I'd never met)

    1. That sounds frustrating. I was concerned because the midwives do a rotating on call shift. There are about five midwives that could have delivered my baby. I was happy that my regular midwife I was seeing was on call at the time I delivered my baby.

  2. Sounds like a good plan. I had one with my son. I don't think I did with my daughter. I just wanted her out of me so I could shower.

  3. hey LIndsey, I got your comment on my blog and I'd love to talk to you about the nipple shield. Can you email me at ?

  4. Great birth plan. I hope that it went just as you planned.
