Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Scary Dangers of Fluoride

Are you brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste? STOP! Fluoride is a neurotoxin.  A neurotoxin is a poison that acts on our nervous system.  It is scary to think that we have been brainwashed for years to believe that we need fluoride to keep our teeth healthy and cavity free.  Really, it is the complete opposite.  I have even gone to the dentist before and have been prescribed a special fluoridated toothpaste. 
Fluoridated toothpaste actually causes permanent damage to the enamel and it causes fluorosis.  It increases decay, kills healthy enzymes and causes cavities, which is the opposite of what you are programmed to think. 

It isn't just fluoride in our toothpaste that we have to worry about.  It's the poison in our tap water. Some cities even add extra fluoride into their water system.

Okay, so you have been using fluoride free toothpaste and you have a heavy duty water filtration system that filters out the fluoride? Unfortunately, you are still getting a little bit of fluoride in your everyday life.  The bottled juice and the cans of soda you are drinking contain trace amounts of fluoride.  Even certain foods that you wouldn't think contain fluoride do.  Canned spinach, pickles, tomato sauce, celery, potatoes, canned corn, raisins and more contain a high amount of fluoride.  Do you see it now?  We are being poisoned. I know some of this stuff is naturally occurring fluoride, which isn't as bad, but some of it is added into our food.  It's an industrial waste by-product and some of it is radioactive.  It's no wonder why we are suffering from so much cancer.  It is so hard to get rid of it and it's scary!

There are some very serious risks that come with taking in too much fluoride.  Do you know that Hitler used fluoride on the Jews to "dumb them down"? By FDA standards there has to be a poison symbol on fluoride to show its dangers.

Fluoride is responsible for:
  • Male infertility
  • Kidney diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Thyroid issues
  • Diabetes
  • Lowered immune systems
  • Cancer
  • Lower IQs
  • Cavities
  • Bone Fractures
  • And More!!!

There are a few great water filters that you may want to look into purchasing to remove the fluoride from you water.  Try to stay away from the Brita and cheaper brands such as those as they do not remove the fluoride.  

Friday, February 19, 2016

You May Be a Crunchy Dad If...

You May Be a Crunchy Dad If...

  • You have helped your wife prepare her placenta and referred to it as "cooking a steak"
  • You have washed cloth diapers yourself
  • You saved your tax money to buy a composter
  • You know microfiber inserts can't go directly on your baby's bum
  • You would rather talk to your friends about the dangers of vaccinating than who won the last football game
  • You have used breast milk in your coffee or have taken a shot of it to cure your cold
  • You know the benefits of using coconut oil
  • You take a swig of ACV every morning.
  • You know the difference between a Moby and a Mei Tei
  • You are an intactivist (anti genital mutilation)
  • You specialize in installing car seats correctly
  • You know what the terms CIO, BLW, EBF, CD, ERF, CS, BW, NCB, UC are and use them when talking online (Cry it out, Baby led weaning, extended breast fed, cloth diapered, extended rear facing, co-sleeping, baby worn, natural child birth and unassisted childbirth)

Monday, February 15, 2016

You Might Be a Crunchy Mom If...

You might be a crunchy mom if...

  • When someone mentions "pockets" you assume they must be talking about cloth diapers
  • You have used breast milk on scrapes, cuts or cured an eye infection with it
  • You have consumed your placenta
  • You don't own toilet paper and use family cloth instead
  • You don't vaccinate
  • You either use mama cloth or a menstrual cup
  • During play dates you bring out the dried fruit or vegetables
  • Your birth plan is over two pages long
  • You have a half dozen baby carriers and usually have two or three on you at any given time.
  • You are a plastic free household. This may apply to dishes and toys.

Earth Mamas Unite - Let's Get Back to Basics

Stayed tune for "You Might Be a Crunchy Dad If..."

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Christians Should Not Be Vaccinating

Some states have already come after people who use the personal exemption to exempt their children from vaccines and enroll them into school.  Next, they will come after your religious exemptions. Do you get it yet?  After parents decide to pull their kids from public schools and homeschool them, they will soon apply these rules to homeschooled children.  Now do you understand? Not long after this there will be mandatory check points to make sure you and your children are vaccinated. Now it's too late. You have already lost your rights. Forget trying to get a medical exemption.  Those are next to impossible to get.

As a Christian, I cannot justify how someone who claims to be Christian can participate in the cultural ritual that involves sacrificing children. God is NOT okay with this and you shouldn't be either.  Stop justifying that it is OK to sacrifice babies in vaccines; because it is not OK.  If you can find any scripture that says otherwise, please share.  My ears are open.

Since the vaccine industry was built using sacrificed babies, you cannot be both pro vaccine and pro life. It irks me that people post about how they are against abortion but they feel that it is okay to inject kids with dead babies.

I don't understand some people. I've told many people that fetal cells are being used and they still continue to vaccinate their kids!  What don't they understand? One person said, "well, if it is in the name of science, to make us healthier...." #1. It DOESN'T make us healthier. #2. God didn't say we can't kill babies, except in the case where we use them for vaccines??????!!!

God created ALL things including giving us healthy immune systems.  There are many reasons why you shouldn't vaccinate, but killing babies and injecting them into people is my #1 reason.

Exodus 20:13 - "You shall not murder"

Galatians 5:18-21 "But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,  idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,  envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."   Sorcery..which is Greek for "pharmakeia"...which is the use and administration of pharmaceutical drugs.  God wanted us to heal ourselves naturally, not with manmade drugs which many of us rely on today. 
Leviticus 18:21Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the Lord."

Some other bible scripture you may want to look into in regarding vaccinations:  2 Kings 16:3, Genesis 9:4, Psalm 139: 13-16

Research before you Vaccinate

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Why I Won't Be Giving My Child the MMR Vaccine

The MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine has been popular talk since the measles "outbreak" in Disney.  When I say outbreak, I say that in the most sarcastic tone.  It wasn't an outbreak.

How many people have died in the U.S. from the measles in the last 10 years?  Do you know the answer? The answer is 0.  There was one woman who they claim died from the measles, but it was proven that she died from pneumonia.

Now, how many people have died in the U.S. from the measles vaccine in the last 10 years? 108. 108. 108 people have been compensated by the government in the last 10 years due to death from the measles vaccine.  This means that they openly admit to the MMR vaccine killing these people.  Now think about how many people it has killed that were not compensated.

I understand that you want to protect your child.  I understand it because so do I.  I want to protect them from disgusting germy vaccinated kids who shed their diseases.   I don't understand these mainstream moms who blindly follow their doctor's advice without doing any further research?  Are they aware that these doctors get compensated for every vaccine given?  Maybe these parents just don't know.

All I want is to see a study that proves vaccines are both safe and effective.  One that isn't funded by by Bill Gates or the vaccine industry.  There isn't one.  (However, there are 1234 studies that PROVE autism and vaccines are linked.  That is a whole different topic though.)

The truth is, measles is a normal childhood illness that all kids should be getting.  Just like chickenpox.  Years ago, it was very normal and a healthy way for kids to build up their immune system.  Perhaps some of you may not even know what the measles is and assume it is some scary deadly disease just because your doctor says it is.  The measles is a  rash that lasts three days or less and is accompanied with a fever and a cough.  Are you aware that the measles isn't deadly? Why would you want to risk damage to your child from a vaccine just to prevent a rash.  It's not even guaranteed to stop the measles anyhow.  Just because you get the vaccine, you can still get the measles and most likely will.

Why would I give my child a vaccine that isn't even proven to actually work?

Worst of all the MMR vaccine SHEDS.  That means YOU should be quarantining your child for up to 6 weeks because it is a live vaccine. That you can find right in the insert.

Friday, February 5, 2016

What is Baby Led Weaning?

Baby led weaning, or BLW for short is having your child feed themselves what they want and how much they want.  This allows your baby to make the choices they want.  You can start baby led weaning as long as the baby is over 6 months old and starts to show an interest in your plate.  BLW is all about skipping the purees and going right for finger food.  Purees contain so many empty calories and they contain unhealthy starch.  Baby food companies also dilute the baby food which lowers the nutrient amount.

If they refuse any food now, be sure to try again later.  Just because they didn't enjoy it now, doesn't mean they won't later.

Always remember to offer breast milk first.  There is no reason your baby should be eating solids to get a full stomach before the age of one.  This stage is about letting your baby explore different tastes and textures.

Some good tips on offering your baby food is to try a whole banana with the peel on the end so they can hold onto it, strips of cucumber, avocado slices about 2 inches big and pieces of broccoli (make sure you leave the stem so they can hold onto it while sucking on the top of the tree).

There are certain types of food you should just not offer to your baby.

-Peanut butter
-Undercooked eggs
-Food that is high in fiber
-Chips, sugar, junk food or any hydrogenated fats
-Anything with additives in it including yellow #5, yellow #6, red #40
-Artificial preservatives or sweeteners

-Fruits (bananas are a great start)
-Vegetables (avocado, sweet potatoes, etc.)
-Brown rice
-Chicken and red meat

Please share your favorite BLW meals!  Also, be sure to check out my related article "Food Under One is Just For Fun".

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Yes, I'm Judging You!

Hey you! Yes you, with the child in a car seat; straps hanging off their shoulders and the chest clip at their stomach.  The parent with the two year old glued to the cell phone that can figure out how to work YouTube better than you can.  I'm judging you.  The ones that would rather feed their children fast food because they are too lazy to cook.  I'm judging you.  The parent that is allowing their child to bully another at the playground.  The parent that takes the easy way out.  The parent that blindly follows their doctor's orders and doesn't know how to think for themselves.  I'm judging you. I'm judging you and I'm not afraid to admit it. Someone needs to speak up.

Chest clips are designed for a reason.  If they were made to sit at a child's stomach they would be called "stomach clips".  If the chest clip is positioned incorrectly, it could do a lot of internal damage to vital organs in your child if you are in an accident.

There's no reason your two year old needs to be watching YouTube videos while you are out to eat at a restaurant.  Okay, I can understand if you want to offer him something to do while he waits for his food, but now the food has been delivered and you are allowing his greasy hands all over your phone while his loud YouTube videos disturb not only your dinner, but mine as well.

Junk food costs the same, if not more than actual food. Do yourself and your kids a favor and cook a meal for them.

Stop yelling at your kid across the playground and go talk to him after he pushed my kid down the slide.

Okay, so why am I judging you? I'm judging you because you can do better than that.  It's not called "different parenting styles".  It's called "bad parenting".  Learn how to properly fasten your kids in their car seats.  Kids need well balanced diets and exercise; not to mention some natural sunlight. Take your kid outside and drag him away from the television.  Your baby needs to develop a healthy gut before you start shoving solids down their throat.  This doesn't happen until at least 6 months.  Stop listening to Dr. Quack.  NO your baby cannot have solids at 2-3 months.  Learn about the damage you are doing by vaccinating your kids and ruining their little bodies with medication. Understand what non-consensual circumcision is and leave the choice up to your kids.  You do know that the foreskin has immune system functions within it right? Respect their body and their choices.  I am judging you because YOUR KIDS are growing up in the same generation as mine and I want what's best for them.  YOUR KIDS are going to be influencing my kids so I want what's best for them. Your son is going to be my daughter's partner someday.  I don't want my kids to be around some brainwashed sheep who don't think for themselves.  I want them surrounded by smart, intelligent human beings who care about others and the world around them. It's time to start being a better parent. Start stepping up and do some research.

I am so sick of hearing sarcastic remarks like, "Wow how did I ever raise 5 kids without this knowledge and have them survive?" or "How did we ever survive growing up?" It's not a matter of survival.  It's a matter of knowing the truth and doing things differently to better ourselves.

"Do The Best You Can Until You Know Better.  Then When You Know Better, You Do Better"

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Why Are We Poisoning Our Own People?

If you have paid any attention to the news lately you would know that there is a problem in Michigan with the water.  There is lead in the water in Flint because the city decided that they are so poor they want to use the water supply from a nasty source; Flint River, since they couldn't afford to do it the way they were before which was getting it from Lake Huron.  Flint River has been well known for being very dirty.

So instead, the government decided to give the people of Flint water filters.  Someone please explain the logic to me.  Is it really more affordable to buy everyone water filters instead of taking the water from the original healthy source?

When these people with the filters were testing their water it was coming out at 180 ppb.  At a high end, the number should be at about 15 ppb.  This is absolutely disgusting and there is no cure for lead poisoning.

Children are having seizures.
People are suffering from high blood pressure, memory lose, mood disorders and constant pain.
Women are having miscarriages and are delivering their babies prematurely.
Newborns are not hitting their milestones because of learning disabilities.
Sleep issues, constipation, joint stiffness, anemia, kidney problems and behavioral issues.

These are all symptoms of lead poisoning.

Remember what I said above. There is no cure for lead poisoning.
Why are we poisoning our own American people?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The New 2016 Vaccine Schedule Has Been Released

Well, we should have expected it... The 2016 vaccine schedule has been released and there are three more vaccines that have been added onto the list.  That makes 72 vaccine doses recommended for children and 49 of these before Kindergarten.  Something is very wrong with these numbers.

 That is insane!
Compared to when I was a kid and there were 14!
72 vs 14 is a HUGE number and when most parents blindly get these vaccines for their kids, it's scary!

Before 2016, the HPV vaccine was already killing so many teenage girls and now they make the vaccine stronger AND want to give it to kids who are even younger? Why?

Now let's sit back and watch the rise of autism and other health problems.  It is estimated that autism will rise up to 1 in 36 kids by the time this schedule takes place.  Shouldn't that tell you something? Wake up People!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Wisconsin is Trying to Take Away the Personal Exemption

I didn't think the time would happen for quite some time, but the news was just announced on Friday that they are trying to take away the personal exemption for vaccines in Wisconsin.  They say that while medical and religious reasons are still so low, personal reasons are on the rise and they are afraid of that.

Rep. (Democrat) Gordon Hintz introduced this bill: LRB3169.

There will still be religious and medical exemptions for now, but medical exemptions are very hard to get. In fact, you cannot get one without many doctor appointments and a note from your doctor. Doctors simply do not just give out medical exemptions to everyone.

A similar bill is trying to be passed in Virginia right now and that would apply to home-schooled kids as well!

The point of the matter is that they are slowly stripping our rights out from under us. THIS IS MEDICAL TYRANNY!!! Before you know it there will be mandatory vaccine checkpoints.  The time to take control is now.

Please call Gordon Hintz and tell him that we absolutely DO NOT support this.  1-608-266-2254

Thank you for your support!!!