Thursday, February 4, 2016

Yes, I'm Judging You!

Hey you! Yes you, with the child in a car seat; straps hanging off their shoulders and the chest clip at their stomach.  The parent with the two year old glued to the cell phone that can figure out how to work YouTube better than you can.  I'm judging you.  The ones that would rather feed their children fast food because they are too lazy to cook.  I'm judging you.  The parent that is allowing their child to bully another at the playground.  The parent that takes the easy way out.  The parent that blindly follows their doctor's orders and doesn't know how to think for themselves.  I'm judging you. I'm judging you and I'm not afraid to admit it. Someone needs to speak up.

Chest clips are designed for a reason.  If they were made to sit at a child's stomach they would be called "stomach clips".  If the chest clip is positioned incorrectly, it could do a lot of internal damage to vital organs in your child if you are in an accident.

There's no reason your two year old needs to be watching YouTube videos while you are out to eat at a restaurant.  Okay, I can understand if you want to offer him something to do while he waits for his food, but now the food has been delivered and you are allowing his greasy hands all over your phone while his loud YouTube videos disturb not only your dinner, but mine as well.

Junk food costs the same, if not more than actual food. Do yourself and your kids a favor and cook a meal for them.

Stop yelling at your kid across the playground and go talk to him after he pushed my kid down the slide.

Okay, so why am I judging you? I'm judging you because you can do better than that.  It's not called "different parenting styles".  It's called "bad parenting".  Learn how to properly fasten your kids in their car seats.  Kids need well balanced diets and exercise; not to mention some natural sunlight. Take your kid outside and drag him away from the television.  Your baby needs to develop a healthy gut before you start shoving solids down their throat.  This doesn't happen until at least 6 months.  Stop listening to Dr. Quack.  NO your baby cannot have solids at 2-3 months.  Learn about the damage you are doing by vaccinating your kids and ruining their little bodies with medication. Understand what non-consensual circumcision is and leave the choice up to your kids.  You do know that the foreskin has immune system functions within it right? Respect their body and their choices.  I am judging you because YOUR KIDS are growing up in the same generation as mine and I want what's best for them.  YOUR KIDS are going to be influencing my kids so I want what's best for them. Your son is going to be my daughter's partner someday.  I don't want my kids to be around some brainwashed sheep who don't think for themselves.  I want them surrounded by smart, intelligent human beings who care about others and the world around them. It's time to start being a better parent. Start stepping up and do some research.

I am so sick of hearing sarcastic remarks like, "Wow how did I ever raise 5 kids without this knowledge and have them survive?" or "How did we ever survive growing up?" It's not a matter of survival.  It's a matter of knowing the truth and doing things differently to better ourselves.

"Do The Best You Can Until You Know Better.  Then When You Know Better, You Do Better"

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