Are you brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste? STOP! Fluoride is a neurotoxin. A neurotoxin is a poison that acts on our nervous system. It is scary to think that we have been brainwashed for years to believe that we need fluoride to keep our teeth healthy and cavity free. Really, it is the complete opposite. I have even gone to the dentist before and have been prescribed a special fluoridated toothpaste.
Fluoridated toothpaste actually causes permanent damage to the enamel and it causes fluorosis. It increases decay, kills healthy enzymes and causes cavities, which is the opposite of what you are programmed to think.
It isn't just fluoride in our toothpaste that we have to worry about. It's the poison in our tap water. Some cities even add extra fluoride into their water system.
Okay, so you have been using fluoride free toothpaste and you have a heavy duty water filtration system that filters out the fluoride? Unfortunately, you are still getting a little bit of fluoride in your everyday life. The bottled juice and the cans of soda you are drinking contain trace amounts of fluoride. Even certain foods that you wouldn't think contain fluoride do. Canned spinach, pickles, tomato sauce, celery, potatoes, canned corn, raisins and more contain a high amount of fluoride. Do you see it now? We are being poisoned. I know some of this stuff is naturally occurring fluoride, which isn't as bad, but some of it is added into our food. It's an industrial waste by-product and some of it is radioactive. It's no wonder why we are suffering from so much cancer. It is so hard to get rid of it and it's scary!
There are some very serious risks that come with taking in too much fluoride. Do you know that Hitler used fluoride on the Jews to "dumb them down"? By FDA standards there has to be a poison symbol on fluoride to show its dangers.
Fluoride is responsible for:
- Male infertility
- Kidney diseases
- Arthritis
- Thyroid issues
- Diabetes
- Lowered immune systems
- Cancer
- Lower IQs
- Cavities
- Bone Fractures
- And More!!!
There are a few great water filters that you may want to look into purchasing to remove the fluoride from you water. Try to stay away from the Brita and cheaper brands such as those as they do not remove the fluoride.
I am so glad that I switched my toothpaste and oral rinse to no fluoride. Thank you for posting this important information.