The answer is not enough.
As of right now, once a student graduates and becomes a Medical Doctor, they will have completed 7 whole hours of vaccine education. Of course, none of these hours include vaccine safety. The 7 hours that are completed by the students are simply on the theory of vaccines
In school, they are taught all about scare tactics and worst case scenarios. They also use many stories as examples to convince and brainwash them that vaccines are necessary. They are taught to make sure vaccines are given on time and on schedule. There are a few GOOD doctors out there who have done the research themselves and will tell you what they know about the dangers and side effects. Unfortunately, it is a very few amount that will actually tell you the other side of the story.
There are some doctors who simply do not know what the dangers are because they are indoctrinated. There are other doctors who have stumbled across some information but ignore it because they are payed a bonus for every vaccine that they give out.
When you walk into the clinic for your next appointment ask your doctor what ingredients are in a certain vaccine. See if he knows off the top of his head. He won't. He is a doctor after all and should know, right? If vaccines are pushed so forcefully why don't they know more about them?
There is actually a case going on right now where two nurses were dismissed from school because their professors told them to lie to the patients and to do whatever it takes to get them vaccinated, which the nurses did not agree with.
The entire medical industry is a scam.
I want to share this information. I know you are correct, but I need proof in order to share. Where did you get this information? Is there an educational link or other *mainstream* source that those outside of our community would trust where I could find this information? I need to make sure that anything I share with pro-vaxxers is iron-clad. Please give me a link or something to back this up. Thank you!